Do you see what he did, there?
Are you a busy millionaire who spends so much time managing their multinational business that it leaves you no time to find your ideal overseas pied-a-terre? If you are, this is just for you. For a fee and all the first-class travelling expenses you can cough up, a gangly ex Stockport County midfielder can do the research and travel for you!
I tell you what. If I had a few hundred grand I wanted to blow on a huge foreign villa, there are only a few people I'd entrust it to less. I saw what he did to Mansfield Town.
Anyway. If you have any gripe with any clumsy tackle or hapless bit of "skill" the abrasive, awkward midfielder (Wikipedia's definition, not mine) goofed, you can take it up with him directly considering his e-mail address and mobile phone number are on the internet. It's a bit like the Flirt Divert number, only for football...
Link needs fixing...
But, yes, I wouldn't trust him very far at all - and certainly not far enough to sell me a house...
On the contrary. I think the idea of paying Carlton Palmer to travel to the other side of the world has many merits.
link sorted.
And Ian, yes, I see your point. Not with half a million of my smackers, though....
In fairness Ian, I wouldn't bother paying him now to travel to the far side of the world.
Of course, had I had the money and the opportunity 15 years ago...
If you're not prepared to hold a grudge against Carlton Effin Palmer for over a decade, then it's not worth holding.
When do we get the scores for the weekend?
I think you misunderstand me. I just don't see why I should pay for a crap ex-pro to go globe trotting.
Besides, given his fabled "engine" couldn't he just run there?
he couldn't manage effing mansfield town,FFS... what chance has he got with a propeerty portfolio? (true story: Carlton once outlined his ideal formation to a friend of mine who is a sports journalist in Mansfield. Said friend had to point out to Carlton that his dream formation had 12 players....)
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