Monday, February 26, 2007

Glenn Hoddle for Tottenham Hotspur (v Watford), 24 September 1983

In the early days of home video recorders, I recall owning a BBC video entitled "101 Great Goals". It did exactly what it said on the box - it was a collection of the best century of goals from Match of the Day coverage over the previous thirty or so years.

So, updating the idea completely and using the power of YouTube, here beginneth the irregular but (hopefully) entertaining CUAS 101 Great Goals.

Where better to start than with my all-time favourite goal, eh? A complete cock of a man, but a sublime piece of skill....

101 Great Goals #31 - Glenn Hoddle


Jason Cronkhite said...

Man, do I remember this tape. I used to watch like crazy myself. Some of George Best's were my favorite. How many do you have posted thus far? I'll check youtube and see.



LB said...

Jason - no, this is the very first one (the random number is a red herring!)

I am 100% sure George Best will feature in this list at some point....

adem said...

How does he manage to lob the 'keeper from there? Crazy.

An idiot though?....Yes!

Strangely I had a dream about Glenn Hoddle last night except it was very od because he couldn't actually speak English and had to have an interpretor. strange eh? In the dream I was really wondering how he could play for, and manage the England team with such a lack of the English language.

What a weird dreamworld I have.

Anonymous said...

Cracking stuff - this really took me back.

Not only did I watch '101 Great Goals' at least twice a day as a kid, I also remember seeing that Hoddle goal live as a five-year-old.

Don't want to be petty, but wasn't that goal on the original video?

LB said...

Andy - yep, that goal was on the original video. There will be a fair few of our 101 that match the "original" 101, I imagine....